My friend Craig Edwards has discovered that there is no way to remain in favor with Fundamentalists unless you walk the line they draw. It does not matter if your kjv, a soul winner, live the Christian life. You must walk the line of there popelings. Below is his response to the control freaks.
I want to thank “Everyone” for each encouraging word via Facebook/phone calls/ private messages/texts. I was cancelled from a campmeeting I did for years, and during the conversation I told the host pastor why I was where I am by giving him Bible. TO each comment he answered, “That’s right.” I asked him to take the Bible and show me where I was wrong, and he said, “I can’t.” I promise I am not discouraged, bitter, or jealous. I have learned when certain religious circles attack you, the Truth and the plain truth is not relevant. It’s ok to lie, and violate Bible Truth, if that’s what it takes. I have learned who I’m not, and I’ve also learned who I am. I have but one desire, and that is to passionately follow Jesus. I still get plenty of calls for meetings and special services, by men who are in love with Truth, and Jesus. I love being at home with my family, and pastoring Blessed Hope, Mt. Airy. I am trying to be selective and prayerful about where I go, when I go. The crowd, or offerings mean nothing. I want to go where I can minister, and be a blessing and help. Doctrinally, I have not changed, and I use the same translation of the Bible I started with 48 years ago. I am learning that what Satan and people mean for evil, God means for good!!!! I am amazed that God would bring me to this place……, especially when I think about my age, and where I’ve been!!!! He has brought me to a more Biblical place than I’ve ever been……..when He did not have to. I wouldn’t go back, even if I could. I know the biggest part of my ministry is behind me, but I believe the BEST PART is yet to come!!!