By Ken Blue
Many pastors are searching for sermon topics to preach. Since some completely ignore the dispensation they are in, or they are ignorant of it, we will supply a few topics for them. These subjects will not help your people understand right divisions, but they will give them spiritual discernment of other.
- Preach against women wearing anything resembling pants. It is easy to make the Bible teach anything you want; so pay no attention to where the text comes from. Just grab some verses and run with them.
- Preach against men with long hair. Just don’t let your congregation know that many of the songs they sing, and the writers you quote had long hair. If you don’t know that, it just shows how ignorant you are of the subject and text. If you need PROOF, read the chapter on long hair in my book, Standards and The Standard.
- Preach against men wearing tight jeans that expose their privates. That will be novel and win you lots of friends.
- Preach against television. You must be up to date on all the Hollywood actors and actresses, and it is your duty to warn your members about what they should not be watching.
- Preach against all music except what you like. Everyone will conclude that you know what music God approves.
- Preach against Powerpoint and multimedia in church. You don’t want people to think your church is a movie theater.
- Preach against eating in church. You don’t want people to think you have turned your church into a restaurant, do you?
- Preach against blacks. We all know that Ham was cursed, and we don’t want cursed people, of another race, (Hamites) in our churches.
- Preach against background music. God couldn’t be in it. Just don’t forget to sell your sermons and songs on CD after the service. That’s different.
- Preach against political leaders, that’s what Paul tells you to do. (Romans 13; I Timothy 2.)
- Preach against those not in the Baptist Bride; all others are in harlot churches. Just don’t let your members know they are singing songs written by those in harlot churches, and that most of your books are by non-briders.
- Preach that those you don’t agree with are of the devil, are antichrist, immoral, and approve homosexuality. Surely this will turn people against them, and endear your listeners to you.
- Preach that those who believe soul winning, discipleship, and service for Christ are shallow and have selfish motives. Pastors should be whipping the same hobbyhorse you are riding.
These ought to be enough to get one started. Once you get the hang of it, the rest will come naturally. If you need additional help on other such subjects, you can always find newsletters and websites to assist you.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.