By Ken Blue
I take little pills to help me sleep at the night,
I take annother one; it keeps my cholesterol right.
Then there’s one for respiratory congestion,
Another one is to curb acid indigestion.
There is a sinus spray that I spray up my nose,
And there is a foot spray that is called Doctor Scholls.©
An aspirin and blood thinners help my blood flow,
Milk of Magnesia© makes it easy as I go.
I have a calorie card to count my intake,
Each night I take a pill for an enlarged prostate.
I have been told to use eye drops three times a day,
Cortisone help keep my psoriasis at bay.
I chew Papaya pills to get needed enzymes,
I just took a pain pill for the pain in my spine.
My bones ache and creak, so I apply Icy Hot,©
Come to think of it…I think it’s time for my flu shot.
You say I should be thankful; you are right, I guess,
If the Lord didn’t provide, I’d really be a mess.