A Bible study in the basics of Dispensationalism. understand the Bible. Order Now.

Blogging for the furtherance of the Gospel
by Ken Blue
A Bible study in the basics of Dispensationalism. understand the Bible. Order Now.
by Ken Blue
A Commentary on the book of Job. Dr. Ken Blue looks into the suffering of this great saint. To Order.
by Ken Blue
Dr. Ken Blue illustrates from the rule of looping parallelism, that the book of Revelation is not a contentious chronological account of things to come, but rather a series of several accounts given to John in order to amplify the ominous wars and plagues soon to come on planet earth.
Dr. Blue has demonstrated that the Revelation is not written about the body of Christ, but rather about those Jews who will acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah. Although much of the world will feel the impact of those awful days, the Jews and their nation will be in the cross-hairs and at ground zero. Order now.
by Ken Blue
A Dispensational study of the Book of Acts. It will guide the student of the Scriptures through this transitional book. 269 pages.
Many students of the Bible don’t know that the Book of Acts is a transitional book. They don’t really know what a transitional book is. Dr. Blue does a very good job at showing how the Book of Acts shows transition from the Gospels to the Doctrinal books of the church age. Without understanding the accounts in Acts are not doctrinal for this church age, a person can get all confused about important matters like:
This book is arranged in a format that is easy for study. Dr. Blue speaks in “plain speech”. At the same time, he invokes his unique ability to explain deep items in a very casual and light manner. This alone makes this book one of the best of it’s kind. There is no need to get bogged down in terminology and vocabulary. Any reader of this book is guaranteed to finish their study both satisfied and excited with what they have learned from Dr. Blue’s many years of teaching.
If you are a serious student of the word of God, and not a student of religion, then this work that Dr. Blue has done, will help you immensely.