By Ken Blue
This article is a response to self-appointed “evangelist” Jerry Kaifetz. Since he cut off my ability to respond to him in private on “messaging,” we will post my last response, which I am sure he never received. His disdain for independent fundamental churches has embittered his spirit, and he could not refrain from showing his contempt for them and me. My only reason for posting this response is because of his “hit and run” tactic after his vile attack.
Mr. Kaifetz, You demonstrated your unwillingness to face the truth when you said, “Exactly what I expected,” and then cut me off of your Facebook, so I could not respond to your vile accusations. You should have expected that response because you set the table.
Concerning you calling me a hypocrite, because I pastored, and had a son smoking pot is like the kettle calling the pot black. You never had the courtesy to ask if I was aware of it or not. I was not. You may say, “Well, you should have known.” Well, let’s see how that plays out, Mr. Kaifetz. Were the Wilsons Hypocrites for teaching Sunday school, and preaching in Junior Church while their son was smoking pot? Have you confronted them about that, or do you only target pastors? Also, you were a member of First Baptist, and you must have known the pastor’s son was having sex with every girl he could corrupt. If you did know it, were you a hypocrite to be a part of that ministry? You boast about how heavily involved you were in the church. If you didn’t know about the immorality, why not?
Also, for you to blame me for the drinking problem of their son is a demonstration of your duplicity. You have an agenda in your attack on fallen pastors…its call ego, and money. Perhaps if enough pastors fall, you may become famous.
Your comment “You are the one who is unquestionably incapable of receiving advice,” and “You will never understand what I have to say to you,” only reveals your pride and arrogance. What advice did you send? Your article was an attack from beginning to the end. Wisdom will not die with you, so don’t pride yourself beyond your limits.
Also, for someone to dig up an offense of over 35 years ago, demonstrates their inability to practice 1 Cor. 13.
- “Love Does Not Keep Notes on Past Offenses
Paul tells us that love “does not take into account a wrong suffered.” I like what Morris writes on this point: “Paul’s next point is that love does not, so to speak, go around with a little black book making a note of every evil thing. ‘Love keeps no score of wrongs,’ says Paul (the NEB translation). We find it hard to forget it when people offend us, often storing up such grievances.” Some saints seem to have photographic memories when it comes to offenses against them. One little irritation brings to mind an entire file of previous offenses, carefully annotated and documented. This kind of mental bookkeeping only serves to fuel resentment and certainly does not facilitate true reconciliation.” That would be you, Mr. Kaifetz.
Ken Blue

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.