By Ken Blue
It is recorded that Smith had at least 33 wives. He said the angel of the lord promised to kill him if he did not take many wives and teach others to do likewise. The following comes from two Mormons who responded to a previous article I posted. One has been a member of the Mormon Church for 40 years.
“1. Polytheism: “Mormons”… only worship one God. Do we believe that other gods exist? You bet we do.”
Mormons attempt to make the case that Bible believers also believe in more than one God. Since they reject the teaching of the Trinity, they assume we believe in three gods. No such luck.
In the Bible, God clearly teaches there is: “No God beside Me.” Here are some examples:
- Beside Me there is no Savior (Isaiah 43:11).
- Beside Me there is no God (Isaiah 44:6).
- Is there a God beside Me? yea, there is no God; I know not any (Isaiah 44:8).
- There is no God beside Me (Isaiah 45:5).
- There is none beside Me (Isaiah 45:6).
- There is no God else beside Me (Isaiah 45:21).
- There is none beside Me (Isaiah 45:2)
[pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Do we Mormons believe that other gods exist? You bet we do![/pullquote]
Four Similar Expressions Elsewhere:
- He is God; there is none else beside Him (Deut. 4:35; cp. Deut. 32:39).
- There is none beside Thee (1 Samuel 2:2).
- There is none like Thee, neither is there any God but Thee (2 Samuel 7:22; 1 Chron. 17:20).
- There is no Savior beside Me (Hosea 13:4).
2. “…multiple wives: this is not a “teaching” or even a doctrine of our Church. We very much believe that marriage can exist beyond this mortal life. We also believe and acknowledge that righteous men, including prophets, were granted by God in biblical times to have more than one wife. So, if you put the two together, I suppose I can see where some would say “Mormons believe that they can become gods and that they’ll all have multiple wives”. If marriage does exist beyond death, what of the multiple wives? You will note that the mormon with 40 years experience says they will have their wives.
3. “Sex in heaven. Here’s what I do know: resurrection is a reality. You and I will be resurrected because of Jesus’ wonderful gift of resurrection. That means our bodies will be restored after death just like His body was restored. That means our entire body – why would we not have all parts restored? (The restored parts are the sex organs) And add to that our belief that marriage can exist beyond this mortal life, you could conclude that sure, husband and wife can continue to have and enjoy the God-given gift of sexual relations with each other.” He admits that Mormons will have their wives in heaven, and the resurrected will have all parts restored. He means all reproductive parts!
4. “Spirit babies? I’ve never in my life heard that term or phrase in my Church. Perhaps unique to us, is that we believe that we lived with God prior to this life as well – in spirit form. We believe that God created us as spirits prior to this life. Then at birth, our spirits are clothed in a physical body, which at death is separated from our spirit. I have no idea how God created us spiritually.” He admits Mormons existed in heaven and are incarnated in babies at birth. He says he does not know how God “created” these spirits. Many Mormon leaders teach that the Mormon god has these spirit babies with his many wives.
5. “You also state that the reason the Church practiced polygamy back in the 1800’s was based on your “spiritual babies” doctrine. That’s absolutely false. If you heard that somewhere, it was truly false mormon doctrine. Polygamy is not a practice of our Church and was only a practice for a small amount of time….. But I can tell you, for certain, it had nothing to do with “spiritual babies”. That is totally false – as is the spiritual babies thing. The doctrine of “spirit babies” is not my doctrine.” It is a doctrine of the Mormon Church, and documentation exists.
6. “You state “most Mormons don’t want the general public to know these vital doctrines of their church”. That’s also very false. I have nothing to hide. I would never hide that. Likewise, I would never hide the fact that I believe that God loves us so much that He would make it possible for us to be together as families throughout eternity. Those, I do believe are “vital beliefs”. Why would I hide that? Your other statements about “sex with multiple wives” and “spiritual babies” and “becoming gods!” – those aren’t “vital” beliefs, nor are they even “beliefs”.”
7. “Finally, why do you not share with your readers the many wonderful things our Church does and teaches that surely you would appreciate – the fact that we teach kindness, charity, love, and strong family relationships? The fact that we teach the blessings of avoiding drugs and alcohol abuse? The fact that we teach to do good in the community and to defend other’s beliefs, even if they are not our own? The fact that we stand for marriage between a man and a woman more so than any other faith. I’m not asking you to promote us… I’m just asking you to be fair. I’m asking you to help your readers to learn how to receive positive examples from any source or religion. You don’t have to join a group to recognize the good in their organization. I’m sure you feel justified in “helping” your readers to beware of the “evils” of “Mormonism”. But I will tell you this – I would never blog about and tear down your beliefs. I would only share what I believe in without harming another’ s beliefs.”
If one read my first post on Mormons, he will see that it was not an attack on any good works they may have done. “This is not intended to be an attack on the moral character of individual Mormons.” Good works are not a substitute for false doctrine. And I assure you that the teachings of Mormonism are false from beginning to end.
Another Mormon responded saying, “Haha I’m sorry, but none of this is correct. I am LDS and I’ve never heard this. We believe in God-singular, Jesus Christ-the son, and the Spirit of God. We call it the Godhead; don’t other Christians just call it the trinity? We do not know the reasoning of the Lord and so doctrines such as polygamy were followed when given, and given up when instructed to do as such. We don’t practice polygamy and we don’t have reason why it used to be taught. We believe wives and all other people will be resurrected one day whether their spouse is “pleased” with them or not. Our church does not hide anything. All the doctrines, ordinances, and procedures can be found in the Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants…”
I know for a fact Proof is abundant. Read my other blog on Mormons.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.