(Perpetuity and Harlot Churches #1)
Can anyone seriously prove perpetuity?
By Ken Blue
I have found that church history books are not reliable. It depends on who writes them. Then, there are little red books with charts and graphs, but how do we know these charts are accurate? Does it require faith in man’s theological bias? None is completely objective. If you can’t validate your baptism back to the beginning, with assurance that the chain has never been broken, how are others to know? Doesn’t it require a little Bible knowledge, a lot of history, and even more faith? I am confident if you can know, so can we.
Power intoxicates men. Catholic baptism, according to them, puts you in the church that started with Peter. Seventh Day Advantest baptism puts you in the church Jesus started. Apostolic Church Of God, baptism in the name of “Jesus only,” puts you in the church Jesus started. Charismatic baptism in the Spirit, gives you the Spirit. And, some Baptist churches believe, if you don’t have their local church baptism, you are not in Jesus’s church or the bride. So, you see, it’s all about power. “If you don’t have ours, you don’t have it, and you are not in…” I think those who take that position are “power mongers.”
The argument is simple; first, you must have a proper candidate who is saved. Right! Secondly, you must have a proper mode, baptism by immersion. Right! Thirdly, you must have the proper church, one with perpetuity back to John the Baptist. Wrong! Fourthly, there must be proper authority to baptize. Wrong! It’s all about control and authority. Like Peter, their baptism is the KEY to the true church, and the bride. If you don’t have their approval, you’re OUT! I say NUTS to their church bigotry and the arrogance about the administrator!
[pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]NUTS to their church bigotry and the arrogance about the administrator![/pullquote]
I have a list of different Baptist groups, found just in North America. I have no doubt that each one can “prove” they are the correct church with valid perpetuity.
Alliance of Baptists-American Baptist Association-American Baptist Churches – Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America-Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists- Baptist Bible Fellowship International-Baptist General Conference-Baptist Missionary Association of America-Central Baptist Association-Christian Unity Baptist Association-Conservative Baptist Association of America-Continental Baptist Churches-Cooperative Baptist Fellowship-Enterprise Association of Regular Baptists-Evangelical Free Baptist Church-Free Will Baptist-Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship-Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association-Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of America-General Association of Baptists-General Association of General Baptists-General Association of Regular Baptist Churches-General Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church, Inc.-General Six-Principle Baptists-Independent Baptist Church of America-Independent Baptist Fellowship International-Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America-Institutional Missionary Baptist Conference of America-Interstate & Foreign Landmark Missionary Baptist Association-Landmark Baptists-Liberty Baptist Fellowship-Macedonia Baptist World Missions-Mainstream Baptist Network National Association of Free Will Baptists-National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.-National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.-National Baptist Evangelical Life and Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A.-National Missionary Baptist Convention of America-National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.-North American Baptist Conference-Old Regular Baptist-Indian Bottom Association of Old Regular Baptists-Old Time Missionary Baptist-Original Free Will Baptist Convention-Primitive Baptists-Progressive National Baptist Convention-Reformed Baptist-Regular Baptist-Roger Williams Fellowship-Separate Baptist-Separate Baptists in Christ-Seventh Day Baptist General Conference-Southern Baptist Convention-Southwide Baptist Fellowship-Sovereign Grace Baptists-Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists-United American Free Will Baptist Church-United American Free Will Baptist Conference-United Baptists-Unregistered Baptist Fellowship-World Baptist Fellowship-Worldwide Baptist New Testament Missions. Are you serious? You know you have perpetuity, and these don’t. It looks like the Corinthian Church to me.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.