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Matthew 1:1-25

The four gospels have one theme, that theme is Jesus Christ. The theme is divided into two major divisions. 1. The proclamation of the Kingdom, and the King. (4:12-16:20). 2. The rejection of the King and the Kingdom. (16:21-26:35).

The four gospels are still under the Law of Moses, and there is nothing in any of them about the church of this dispensation. Neither is there any preaching, or understanding of the coming death, burial, and resurrection. The present church and gospel was a mystery, and was unknown until revealed to the Apostle Paul.

The genealogy of Jesus Christ, the last Adam, stands in contrast to that of the first Adam. In genealogy of Genesis five, we see nothing but death and the curse. In the genealogy of Jesus, there is no mention of death, but the promise of the removal of the curse is seen.

It is very significant that Jesus is called the son of David and Abraham. Both received a covenant. David is promised that through his seed, a king would sit on his throne and rule Israel forever. (Isa. 9:5-11; Luke 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15).

The Abrahamic covenant not only involved a Seed, it involved the Promised Land. (Gal. 3:16; Gen. 13:15). When Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice, he was a type of God the Father offering His suffering Son. Thus, in Matthew, you have the first half of the book where Christ is the son of David, and in the last half, the suffering son of Abraham.

One must not overlook the four women mentioned in the genealogy. These are Thamar, Rachab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Three of these were immoral. Two were Gentiles, and two were Israelites. This speaks volumes of the humanity, the humility, and the compassion of our Lord.

[pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]It should be noted that Jesus was not begotten by Joseph. He was the only begotten Son of God, and Israel’s King and Messiah.[/pullquote]

It is important that we understand events concerning Jechonias. (Jer. 22:30).

It should be noted that Jesus was not begotten by Joseph. He was the only begotten Son of God, and Israel’s King and Messiah.

The word “espoused” has the same meaning as our word to be “engaged.” She was joined to Joseph is a promise of marriage. When Joseph discovered that she was pregnant, he was contemplating giving her a bill of divorcement, rather than have her stoned. (Deut. 24:1-4). God revealed to Joseph that she was the virgin mother of the coming Messiah. He was told that the child would be named JESUS, and that He would save Israel from their sins. Consistent with the book of Matthew, he quotes Old Testament prophecy to validate what was revealed to Joseph. (Isa. 7:14).

The name Jesus means Jehovah Saves. However, the name Emmanuel, means God with us. This name, Emmanuel, is never used again in Scripture. It will become a fulfillment in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Joseph did not have sexual relations with Mary until after Jesus was born. Thereafter, they had a regular marriage relationship, which resulted in half brothers and sisters to Jesus. “And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.”

Mary had other children:

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