Matthew 14:13-36
Verses 13-21. When Jesus heard that John was murdered, He and the disciples departed by ship to a deserted place. However, the people sought where He was because of the fame and miracles. Because of His great compassion, He healed and fed them. The miracle of feeding the multitudes is recorded in all four gospels. Not only was this an act of compassion on the people, but it was an intended lesson to the disciples. Elisha multiplied bread for 100 men (2Ki. 4:42-43). Christ multiplied it twice for many thousands (Mt. 14:21; 15:38; Lk. 9:10-17; Jn. 6:6-10).
Verses 22-32. After feeding the multitude, Jesus sent His disciples by ship, unto the other side of the lake. He remained and sent the multitudes away. He then departed into a mountain alone to pray. There can be no doubt that He prayed for the disciples.
The ship was in the darkness, in the midst of the sea. A strong wind came upon the Sea of Galilee, which was not uncommon, but dangerous, nevertheless. We are told the time was the fourth watch of the night. Dake says, “Jews divided the night into 3 parts of 4 hours each and Romans into 4 parts of 3 hours each. The 4th watch would be 3:00 to 6:00 in the morning.” Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible.
The disciples saw a figure walking on the water toward them. We can be sure this was more frightening than the storm. Indeed, they thought it was a spirit, or a ghost. That would have been an ominous sign to them. However, Jesus called out, and assured them that it was He. Peter responded by saying, if it be You, bid me come. Jesus said, come. Peter stepped out and walked on the water. Nevertheless, Peter took his eyes off Jesus, and saw the waves. This distraction cause him to forget who was with him, and what He had done for them. Such is human nature. Thank God, for the illustration, that all one must do is call on Jesus to save them from their sins, and He will!
Jesus ask Peter a question all of us should ask ourselves. “Wherefore didst thou doubt?” When we recount all that the disciples had witnessed, we too ask, why they would doubt. However, I must ask myself; after what He has done for me, why do I ever doubt? We should be moved to do as they did. They worshipped Him. The light was beginning to dawn in their minds, who He was.
Verses 34-36. They came to the north shore of Galilee, to the land of Gennesaret. When the people heard that He was there, they published through all that country, and brought all that were sick and diseased. Many had faith that if they could touch the hem of His garment, they would be healed, and they were.
The reader should easily identify the difference between the healing ministry of Jesus, and the fake healers of today. Only those with a right division of Scripture can understand this seeming contradiction. In the Gospels and the early Acts period, we are dealing with the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. When that gospel was officially rejected, the miracles began to subside. There are no miracle workers or faith healers today. They are fake healers.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.