By Ken Blue
Why the ignorant have Biblephobia. They fear the Bible because…
It declares there is an all wise, all powerful, all righteous God. Some of this is covered in the next paragraph. The Bible is the most loved book, and the most hated book in the world. It is loved by those who read and believe its pages. It is hated by those how fear it, and demonstrate that fear by ignoring it. An example, is of young man that I worked with. He said. “I don’t believe the Bible because it is filled with contradictions.” I looked him in the eye, and said, “Are you sure of that?” He was adamant in his answer. I pulled my Bible and said, “Can you show me just one?” He refused to touch the Bible, and hurried away from sight. So much for the scoffers, who hide behind false hopes that the Bible is untrue. That is just one in a hundred cases of Biblephobia.
It declares that man did not evolve upward, but that he fell downward, and continues that direction. Those with Biblephobia find some comfort in the delusion of evolution. If evolution be true, then there is no God. If no God, there is no such thing as sin and judgment. Thus, only superstition, and only the weak minds believe the Bible, and that there is an all knowing and powerful God. Such is the reasoning of men who possess Biblephobia. Did you ever give thought as to why the Bible is banned from all Communist countries? You think the leaders fear it’s competition?
It declares that none are good. Here is the one Book that knows the truth about every person. If the eye is the mirror of the soul, and the Bible the mirror to the eye, what is reveals to man is more that he can behold. Makeup, such as rouge, lipstick, eye shadow, and false eyelashes are not reflected in God’s mirror. The reflection sees them not. It sees what is within. Once man comes to terms with the true state of his soul, he either turns to God, or recoils in Biblephobia.
It declares there’s only one way to be saved. Man cannot accept that there is only one way to be saved, and only one infallible Book. That goes against his pride and self-righteousness. He is not willing to be objective, or open minded on this subject. That would mean that he is lost. That, because of fear, causes him to have Biblephobia.
It declares the lost go to hell at death. Now, why would anyone love a book, or want to read it, when it reveals the final destination of all Christ rejecters to a place called hell? Jesus talked more about hell than He did the church, about loving your neighbor, or judging others. Hell is a real place. That is one reason men and women have Biblephobia.
The Bible is the only book on earth that reveals what the way, the truth, and life is. These three are all man needs, and they are demonstrated in Jesus Christ. Until man discovers the way, the truth, and the life, he is lost, and he will never discover these as long as he is paralyzed with Biblephobia.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.