By Ken Blue
“Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established:” Proverbs 24:3
No guarantees that your child will not be molested. A pedophile, a serial killer, a drug addict, or a thief can live under your roof without you knowing of their wickedness, or devices.
- According to a Community Information Packet provided by the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office in Washington State, one in four girls are assaulted by age 18. One in five boys is assaulted by age 18. Over 1/3rd of child sexual abuse involves children age five or younger. 85-90% of child sex offenders are known to the victims and their family.
Most pedophiles are male, but not all. Pedophiles love to play with and be around children. Obviously they feel safer, and find it easier to control and “groom” them. We will speak more about the grooming process later. Not every person who loves to play with children is a pedophile, but when they prefer to be with small children rather than adults, it might be a red flag.
Not all pedophiles are stalkers. They fall into three major categories. We will also deal with these in another blog.
In this article there are some things I believe you should consider in order to protect your church and children.
- Submit a background check on every person who works with children under 18. You can secure these from the police department, county sheriff, or State Patrol. Explain to the one you are doing the background check, that it is being done, and why. If they refuse, you already know they have a past.
- Do not give them the ministry until you get the background report back. Wait until the report is processed, and you have it in hand before you meet with the person. If the report is negative, never place that person in a ministry where they will be alone with children.
- Have two male teachers in every boy’s class. Explain to each teacher, if he/she sees any inappropriate behavior they should warn the other teacher. Knowledge of actual sexual abuse must be reported to the police at once.
- Have women teach girls, and men teaching boys.
- Have windows in every classroom.
- Do not allow any obstruction on the windows, for any reason.
- Have the class arranged so you can see the teachers through the glass.
- Have hall monitors to look through the glass twice during class time. Do not have a set routine for these checks.
- Never allow teachers to go in the bathroom with a child. Have them stand outside the door.
- Never allow students to sit on the laps of male workers.
- Install cameras in key locations. If you need advice, ask a police officer for help.
- You are required by law to report any sexual complaint from an adult or child.
- You could also contact your insurance company for advice. In some cases, your cost will go down when you impalement deterrents to sexual abuse.
(Special thanks to Officer Mike McBride for suggestions, and providing the literature we are gleaning from).

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.