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new jerusalem



By E. A. Rawlence.


(Note: The original article has been edited because of its length. However, the argument and purpose of the author is clear. We do not necessarily condone all  the writer says, but it seems to be the best answer to an age old question. The publishing of this article does not imply that we agree with any departure from the KJV, should the author do so.)


With Israel and the kingdom set aside, how was God’s work to carry on? God would begin a new ministry which had been hidden from the foundation of the world. It had been kept secret and is called a “mystery.” He would accomplish His new plan through a new apostle, not of the Twelve, through a new gospel, not the one preached by the Twelve, and a new body, without Israel’s involvement, without the Law, or any part of Judaism. It is called a “new man.” “Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;” Ephesians 2:15. Today, the Jew and the Gentile are on equal standing before God. All are sinners, and all are in the same body by the new gospel of free grace. Eph. 3:6.

When the church, the body of Christ, is completed, it will be raptured, and God will “jumpstart” his program with Israel again. The body of Christ will be in heaven, and the kingdom of heaven ministry will once again be offered to Israel, and then through them, to the world. Since we as members of “the Body of Christ,” form part of the Bridegroom, it cannot reasonably be said to be “the Bride” at the same time.

We have a definite introduction to the bride in Rev. 21. John was invited to come and see, “The Bride, the Lamb’s wife.” John introduces, not to the Church, nor to the Body, but to the Holy Jerusalem. It is certain the City appertains to Israel. The twelve foundations represent the twelve Apostles, who are by promise to sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28). It is important to note there is no foundation for a thirteenth Apostle.

There are twelve Gates, one for each Tribe, and three gates on each of the four sides of the City, as described in Ezek. 48. The Nations, of them that are saved and the kings of the earth walk in the light of it. They bring their glory and honor into it. This, the glorified Israel does not do. They obviously have their dwelling there.

(Lord willing, we will add part 3 soon.)

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