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By Ken Blue

When life is over, and it will be soon,

What will be the epitaph on your tomb?

Was your life a waste, breathing in and out?

Was self-gratification what it’s about?


Were you like an animal, with only three drives?

Was it reproduction, comfort, and food to survive?

Will you die like an animal with no legacy?

When the curtain is pulled, then, where will your soul be?


Did you hide in darkness, with fear and doubt,

Afraid to discover what life’s all about?

Did you drown your conscience with music’s blare,

Trying to please friends; their approval share?


Friends won’t go with you when you enter death.

Your soul will depart at your final breath.

He who has Christ Jesus, has eternal life.

He who has Him not, shall never see life.


“He that hath the Son hath life;

 and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:.



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