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By Ken Blue


Is there a place called Hell?

If not, there ought to be.

You ask why I say so,

For sinners just like me.


She asked, “And how are you?”

“Better than I deserve.”

I could tell by her frown,

That I had hit a nerve.


She said,” you’re not that bad.”

Her smile was unreserved.

I smiled and said to her,

“You want what you deserve?”


“No sir,” was her reply.

She knew what was implied.

“No sir,” she said again,

“I’m not ready, if I died.”


Now, friend my question is,

Do your sins deserve hell?

The sick need The Physician,

Not those who think they’re well.


So, how am I doing?

Better than I deserve.

There is a place called hell.

For some, a place reserved.

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