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 By Ken Blue

 All appears quite on the home front. The brethren who were vehemently against Power Point have seen the light, or retreated into a cave. There is no need for fear. However, in some churches there is no need for Power Point. So, do thy self no harm.

 If your church is small, and you seldom have visitors, Power Point will be of little value to you. Most churches of a hundred or less operate as a family church. All the members know each other by name, they are one happy family, and hope it stays that way. Everyone has access to the pastor, and he loves it. In addition, all the members bring their Bibles, and can find the books with ease. If you do not have visitors, and your church is not growing, you may not need Power Point.

 On other hand, if you have visitors each Sunday, Power Point can be a great advantage and should be used. Keep in mind that most visitors are self-conscious, and your church is a strange environment for them. They do not want to be pointed out, nor embarrassed as they fumble through the Bible in an attempt to keep up with the pastor. So, if you want your church to grow new converts, make is easy for visitors and new members to follow you. You want your visitors to return next Sunday. Give them a reason to return.

 Wisdom will dictate that you put your sermon outline, sub points, and Bible verses on Power Point. The benefits of doing this far exceed your fears. It is better to make is easy for people to trust Christ than it is to try to teach them to find verses in the Bible before they are saved. Win them first, and then teach them. Preaching is an educational process. You should use every tool available to reinforce your teaching. Power Point will do that.

 Now, for those who fear that people will not learn how to find the books in the Bible, the key is to not put the verses up on Power Point in the evening service. Visitors seldom attend these services. You should not throw the baby out with the bath water. Learn how to balance your ministry so you can best help those who attend. Let wisdom guide you instead of fear.

 Creating an outline and Bible verses for Power Point will require a little more effort on your part. However, the benefits far outweigh the time invested. Don’t allow Power Point paranoia paralyze you.

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