By Ken Blue Be sure and listen to the great songs to lift your spirit
Little Sparrow, did you know,
The Father used you to show His love.
You reap not, nor gather into barns,
Yet you’re fed from a storehouse above.
You are seen, where’er you are,
Whether on the wing, or on the ground.
You’re never far from our Father’s sight.
His care for you; it always abounds.
You may take no thought of these.
It was not written for you to read.
God is teaching us not to worry.
“I care for Sparrows; I’ll meet your need.”
Little Sparrow I have read,
And I see clearly, and understand.
God’s the One who feeds the sparrows,
And all our blessings are from His hand.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.