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Be sure and listen to the great songs to lift your spirit

By Ken Blue








Fall is here and it’s dark.
The sun, it seldom shines.
Is this the way it really is?
Or is it only in my mind?

Looking at things around,
They have lost their appeal.
I ‘m not able to sort these out.
Are the things I see really real?

I’m drifting from it all.
Each day the distance grows.
What is important, I can’t tell.
Every day only comes and goes.

This little span spent here,
We call it a life time.
When the curtain finally falls,
Was it really worth the time?

This sickness is called ALS,
Sometimes it drives me wild.
At one time I laugh like a clown,
The next, I’m crying like a child.

When I see my doctor,
He gives me some new meds.
I know he’s trying to help me.
But, they’re only spinning my head.

What day; does it matter?
The nights; why should I care?
The day’s and nights have no meaning,
Not, when you are going nowhere.

I hold on to one thing,
While on this hectic ride.
God’s love for us never changes,
It was for me Jesus Christ died!

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