Site icon Ken Blue Ministries







No one knows the pain of a broken heart,

Until they’ve felt the loss of a loved one who departs.


Words can’t explain the emptiness inside.

The best explanation is something inside has died.


Pain comes at the death of a loving spouse,

Or of a little child who brought laughter to our house.


Divorce shatters life’s dear relationships,

With its everlasting revenge, and sarcastic quips.


Some are laid aside by pain and disease,

We are left wondering what purpose remains for these?


There is One who said in anguish of breath,

“My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, unto death.”


We can from Him draw comfort and relief.

He was a man of sorrow, acquainted with our grief.


There’s a Balm in Gilead without price,

All was paid on the cross by the Lord Jesus Christ.


Come, dear aching heart, you will live again.

There’s a Great Physician who helps, broken hearts to mend.

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