By Ken Blue
Harold Camping has assured his followers that the rapture will take place May 21, 2011. I am a firm believer in the rapture; I am also a firm believer that Camping is a diluted false prophet. I have been a student of God’s Word for over 50 years and I can tell you that his time-line is a fantasy. I know the answer to the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” But I am a little concerned about Noah’s flood and Camping’s time- line.
It would be interesting to see the facts as to how he arrived at the date of 4990 B.C. for the flood. He cannot. Here is how Camping operates. He distorts every verse in the Bible to confuse his follower, and then they need him to explain them. Not one person could come up with the teaching that Camping preaches. If you know any predecessors who taught what he teaches, we would like to know who they are. Not one of Camping’s followers would interpret the Bible as he does, without his books and teaching.
WARNING: History has demonstrated the despair and the suicide of many who follow false prophets, and later discovered they were deceived. On May 22, hundreds of you will be confused and embarrassed, unless you have an ace up your sleeve. My advice to you is this, if the rapture does not come as your false prophet predicts, don’t give up your faith in God or the Bible. Just find a church where the truth is taught. God wrote the Bible so you can understand it. Therefore, you are able to check all teachers by the Word of God. Do thyself no harm.
NOTE: I just received this from a follower of Harold Camping. It concerns me. Note how many times death is hinted at.
“May The Lord Find Us Faithful”………..By Mac Lynch
God has not given us the spirit of fear, But has given us the strength to obey.
With power and sound mind, with love the unfailing kind, Oh, be not a-shamed of His way.
May the Lord find us faithful,
May His word be our banner held high
May the Lord find us faithful,
Everyday tho’ we live tho’ we die.No man that seeketh after things of this life, Is a soldier, who passes the test.
Be faithful, be working, be running, be serving, Be searching His word for His best.
Living or dying may honor be Thine
From this wretched life, You loved and forgave.
A life that’s on fire, be only our heart’s desire, Be faithful from now to the grave.”
The above anonymous follower of Camping has sent me several comments about his beliefs. My first question to him was, “If the rapture does not happen on May 21, I hope you will be Christian enough to contact me and admit Camping is a false prophet and that you were wrong. You should have enough grace to do that. Right? Is there some reason you fear to give a yes or no answer? If the rapture takes place, and you are saved, you won’t have to answer. If it does not you should boldly step forward and admit you were misled and Camping is a false prophet. There is nothing difficult to understand about the question.” He ignores my question, refusing to answer it. That speaks volumes.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.