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 By Ken Blue

One of the issues that must not be discussed openly among fundamentalist pastors is the subject of divorced and remarriage. When you do, you have just kicked the beehive. So, let’s kick it!

I accepted the Lord in the mid fifties in a Baptist church which belonged to an association of churches that refused to allow divorced/remarried people to serve in any ministry. However, you could join and tithe.

About three years ago, I attended a Bible Conference where an evangelist from the south was preaching. After the service, the pastor invited me to join them for a bite to eat. The subject of divorce came up, and the host pastor asked the evangelist if his Baptist fellowship would allow him to preach for a divorced pastor. He said, “No, they would not.” The follow-up question was “would they allow you to preach for a church that lets divorced evangelist or pastors preach for them?” Again, the answer was the same.  

Now, I am opposed to divorce, and I believe most Christians are. However, I am not opposed to divorced people. We do not always have control over what a spouse may do. The divorce epidemic in America has led some to change their convictions about divorce; others have discovered truth about divorce that has remained overlooked for centuries. I believe God has made provision for divorce and remarriage. However, the brethren will never agree on this subject until we get to heaven.

 One puzzling question for me is, if those who remarry while their “former” spouse is alive; and if they are living in adultery, how can you justify allowing them membership in your church? I don’t think you can have it both ways. Your answer would be enlightening to all of us.

My advice to those who have been divorced and remarried is to find a church where you can join and serve the Lord. If you are in the ministry don’t worry about what others think. Continue to serve the Lord and let Him be your judge. I think the bees are beginning to swarm; it’s time to run!

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