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By Pastor Al Hughes

Sunday, October 3, we held a “Round-Up Day” at our church. On this special day we all dress “western” style. The church facility is decorated in a cowboy theme. Our guest preacher was Dr. Gene Howard, nationally know “John Wayne” impersonator (

We put a lot of effort into promoting this day. First, we send out several mailings alerting people of the Round-Up. Our G.R.O.W. ministry makes many contacts inviting people to come. Ads are placed in the local newspapers two weeks before the special day.

The day before Round-Up Day, we sent teams to one of the busiest intersections in our city to wave professionally made signs promoting our church and the special day. We have a team of “sign-wavers” on each corner of the intersection so no one can miss us. Dr. Gene Howard, all dressed up in his “John Wayne” attire, joined us as we waved signs to passerby’s. His presence really attracted people to notice our signs (see attached picture and

Another thing we did to encourage people to invite visitors was award free gift cards to Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Q to the ones who brought in the most “strays” (visitors). A couple of people brought in five “strays” each!

God saw fit to bless our efforts with a full auditorium of people, over 20 visitors, and five people coming to trust Christ as Savior. Four of these visitors came as a result of seeing us sign waving the day before, and one of them also got saved! (Sign waving really works if it is done right.)

I want to highly recommend Dr. Gene Howard to any church or pastor who would like to have a special patriotic or “Round-Up Day.” His visual message on “Freedom and Sacrifice” is an excellent sermon that ties the sacrifice of our forefathers to secure our freedom in America to the sacrifice of Christ to provide freedom from sin. I’ve never heard a better Gospel presentation (preached with a “John Wayne” flare, of course). His sermons on “The Alamo” and the “The Big Ring Rifle” are also great sermons with Biblical applications.

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