By Ken Blue
Forty years ago this October, 2009, Mrs. Blue and I held the first service of Open Door Baptist Church. We purchased 25 song books and 25 folding chairs, and we met is our small block house in Mount Lake Terrace. The only people present for that service were my wife and our four boys. However, we did have a lady to visit that evening, and she remained with us for many years. Her name was Mrs. Jean Wake.
A few weeks later we rented a small community club and spent a year in it. Some of the people, who were saved in that first building, are still at Open Door. God gave us several souls, and by the end of the first year we had outgrown it. Nearby, was an elementary school where we rented the gym, and used it for about six months. By now, God had given us about 150 in attendance.
Our next move was to Cedar Valley Grange in Lynnwood. This was a much better building. It came with padded seats, hardwood floors and a full basement with a kitchen. Some of those saved in that building were at the anniversary celebration last Sunday. What a joy to see these precious people again!
In 1972 we purchased the present church property. It had some buildings on it which we upgraded and used for church until we were able to build. God’s blessings continued on our church, and we saw souls saved each week. By God’s grace, and the hard work of our wonderful people, we were able to build a two story church building and a two story education building. In addition, the church owns five acres of prime property in Lynnwood. All building and properties are debt free, and the church has never borrowed any money.
The church has had many high days during the years. I believe the largest attendance was 1800! It is difficult to remember a Sunday that we have not had visitors or professions of faith. There are dozens of young men and women, sent out by the church, who are in full time service for Christ. We praise Him for all this.
I appreciate Pastor Jason Murphy inviting me to preach this milestone service. Jason grew up in Open Door and served on staff for six years before taking over the leadership. He is doing an excellent job, and the church continues to grow under his gifted leadership. He informs me that the influx of visitors and the professions of faith continue each week.
God has been good to this preacher and his family. I know who I am, and those of you who know me, know that all the blessings and provisions are by God’s unlimited grace. May His grace continue to be shed abroad on Open Door as they exalt Him.
Finally, I want to say thank you to Jason and Mary. You are in our hearts, and we love you. My prayer is, first of all, a prayer of thanksgiving for you. Then I pray that God will use you in a much greater way to reach, lead, and love people for Christ. Thank you for your kindness to this poor preacher.

Pastor Ken Blue was born in Boswell, Ark. In 1955 he accepted Christ as his Savior. He and his wife Joyce were married in 1955. They have 5 children. He graduated from Midwestern Baptist Bible College in 1969 and started the Open Door Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Wa. where he pastored for 39 years. Because of health issues (ALS) he was forced to resign as pastor. It is his desire to continue to be used of God to help pastors and believers through this ministry.